Condensed Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income (Unaudited)

For the six months period ended June 30, 2012

Notes 2012
Turnover 3 1,854,793 1,783,909
Cost of sales (1,232,684) (1,197,565)
Gross profit 622,109 586,344
Other income 2,187 2,760
Interest income 4,075 1,793
Selling, distribution, advertising and warranty expenses (255,615) (242,411)
Administrative expenses (204,611) (199,964)
Research and development costs (37,362) (31,257)
Finance costs (26,483) (29,298)
Profit before share of results of associates and taxation 104,300 87,967
Share of results of associates (273)
Profit before taxation 104,300 87,694
Taxation charge 4 (7,916) (7,024)
Profit for the period 5 96,384 80,670
Other comprehensive income
Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations and other comprehensive (loss) income for the period (1,458) 15,685
Total comprehensive income for the period 94,926 96,355
Profit for the period attributable to:
Owners of the Company 96,362 80,259
Non-controlling interests 22 411
96,384 80,670
Total comprehensive income attributable to:
Owners of the Company 94,906 95,909
Non-controlling interests 20 446
94,926 96,355
Earnings per share (US cents) 7
Basic 5.69 5.00
Diluted 5.51 4.79